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Na Fàg ach Lorgan-Coise
Leave Only Footprints
An exhibition by members of Open Studios Hebrides
An extensive exhibition of work by members of Open Studios Hebrides celebrating the island environment. The title comes from a quote from Chief Seattle, a native American chief, respected leader and ecologist ‘Take only pictures, leave only footprints.’
An Lanntair - Gallery
July 6th - August 12th
Bronwyn Mackenzie Artist
Donald Libby Art
Fiona Lane Art
Greenall-Odell Studio
Hayden Hebrides
Jane G. Smith
Lynne Maciver Art
The Weaving Shed
Charly Hamlyn Ceramics
Dotty M Rennox
Emma Mackenzie Textiles
Fiona Simes
Hebridean Art Studio
Gneiss Things
Harbour Print
Island Arts Gallery and Coffee Shop
Lesley Mckenzie Art
Margaret Maclean Art
Ralph Tonge Photography
An Lanntair, Stornoway
An Lanntair is a hub for creativity and the Arts in the Outer Hebrides.
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